Unlocking IBM i: Insights and Solutions for the Next Generation of Professionals 163
Unlocking IBM i: Insights and Solutions for the Next Generation of Professionals
Approved 11
This 1-hour Enterprise Design Thinking workshop is tailored to uncover key insights into how students and early career professionals learn about and receive training on IBM i. It will explore their motivations for pursuing a career on this platform, as well as the challenges they face during onboarding and working with IBM i. By engaging in collaborative ideation with students, employers, and educators, the workshop aims to generate actionable solutions to address these challenges and enhance the overall experience for new IBM i users. The target audience for this workshop includes students and early career professionals.
Date & Time
Monday September 16th, 2024 3:45pm EDT
End Date & Time
Monday September 16th, 2024 4:45pm EDT
Felix Portnoy, Linda Alkire, Brandon Pederson
Session Format
Standard 60 Minute Session
Learning Objectives
1. Gain insights into how students and early career professionals discover and engage with IBM i educational resources and training opportunities.
2. Identify the key factors that motivate individuals to pursue careers on the IBM i platform.
3. Collaborate with students, employers, and educators to generate actionable solutions for addressing the challenges faced during IBM i onboarding and career development.
Students and early career professionals
Session Level
Suitable for All
Conference NAViGATE Florida

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