ACS and Db2 for i Explained 55
ACS and Db2 for i Explained
Approved 15
In this session, you'll hear the inside scoop about IBM i ACS Db2 tooling from from Ryan (Db2 on i Developer) & Wayne (IBM i ACS Support) We will explore IBM i ACS Db2 tools in a fun and interactive live demo environment where along the way you will hopefully have a better understanding of all ACS has to offer in the Db2 tooling space.
Date & Time
Monday September 16th, 2024 2:30pm EDT
End Date & Time
Monday September 16th, 2024 3:30pm EDT
Calusa C
Wayne Bowers & Ryan Moeller
Session Format
Standard 60 Minute Session
Learning Objectives
1. Discover the database and SQL feature-rich options within ACS
2. Gain best practices by hearing and seeing two experts discuss and demonstrate ACS
Session Level
Suitable for All
Conference NAViGATE Florida

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