An RPGer's Guide to VS Code for IBM i 188
An RPGer's Guide to VS Code for IBM i
Approved 4
These days RDi and Merlin aren't the only options for IBM i developers looking for an SEU alternative. If those IBM products aren't your cup of tea or are beyond your budget, there's a new free tool that you may find intriguing.In this session, Jon and Susan will introduce you to their explorations of the open-source extension to Visual Code Studio known as Code for IBM i. Come to see how to make the transition from the green screen to a powerful, expandable and more productive free alternative.Join Jon and Susan to see what all the hype is about and explore another modern way to develop RPG, CL, and COBOL code for IBM i applications.
Date & Time
Monday November 4th, 2024 10:15am EST
End Date & Time
Monday November 4th, 2024 11:15am EST
Harbour B
Session Format
Standard 60 Minute Session
Learning Objectives
  1. See how quickly and easily you can get started using VS Code for i
  2. Understand what Code for IBM i offers traditional RPG, COBOL, and CL programmers
  3. Learn how to make the transition from green screen editors to a more productive modern IDE


RPG, COBOL, & CL developers looking to enhance productivity with a free modern IDE
Session Level
Conference NAViGATE Toronto

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