If you are not yet processing and creating JSON in your RPG programs you soon will be! CSVs are so 20th century and JSON has left XML in the dust as a data interchange medium. But what is the "best" way for an RPG programmer to process JSON?There are two main options: RPG's native DATA-INTO and DATA-GEN combination, andSQL's JSON capabilitiesIn this session, Jon will focus on introducing you to the native DATA-xxx options.
Date & Time
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 8:00am EST
End Date & Time
Tuesday November 5th, 2024 9:00am EST
Pier 4
Jon Paris
Session Format
Standard 60 Minute Session
Learning Objectives
- Understand how RPG can be used to consume and generate JSON
- Identify the advantages of using native RPG features for dealing with JSON
- Understand when the native RPG JSON support options may not be a good fit
RPG programmers needing to process JSON documents
Session Level
Evaluation Link
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc__tbXT6saxf1oA2YG8e_ZklfQOkW3guKvU-chTiH48vFqvg/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.1175797252=Fundamentals - Processing and Creating JSON with RPG&entry.116229039=Jon Paris&entry.667308199=Incorporating SQL into Development Processes
Conference NAViGATE Toronto
Session Comments