Our legacy code has been running the business for decades and represents a tremendous amount of business knowledge. It can also be terribly difficult to understand and downright scary to work on. In this session we'll discuss how our code got in the shape it's in and look at some techniques we can use to make our legacy code more testable, understandable, and maintainable.
Date & Time
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 11:00am EST
End Date & Time
Wednesday November 6th, 2024 12:00pm EST
Pier 5
Patrick Behr
Session Format
Standard 60 Minute Session
Learning Objectives
1. Understand what refactoring is and why it's important
2. Look at some refactoring techniques we can implement in our programs today
3. Discuss methodology for incrementally refactoring legacy applications
2. Look at some refactoring techniques we can implement in our programs today
3. Discuss methodology for incrementally refactoring legacy applications
Session Level
Suitable for All
Evaluation Link
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZUqaHcpJfO1HYO4XDagewGyp12uhBOCbFHeU3zFMSGu8Egg/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.86355973=Working with Legacy Code: Refactoring and Restructuring&entry.1165051396=Patrick Behr
Conference NAViGATE Toronto
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